270 MPH in Austin TX
270 MPH in Austin TX

Do you know what travels at the speed of 270 mph? That’s faster than the Ferrari F12 and Lamborghini Aventador! While the Bugatti has surpassed 300 MPH and Superman was faster than a speeding bullet at 1800 mph, the human brain’s nervous system in Austin TX is pretty impressive sending messages to your body at speeds up to 270 mph.
About the nervous system in Austin TX
The average adult’s body has nearly 46 miles of nerves and the brain contains approximately 100 billion nerve cells, which are constantly sending and receiving messages specifically directed to every single cell, gland, and organ in the body. The human body is an incredibly well-designed and complicated being. On top of all that intricacy, the body actually has the ability to heal itself when something goes wrong. Our sophisticated brain and central nervous system detect when something is amiss, and together, they launch the perfect combination of chemicals and cells to heal and clean up the damage.
The average age of a cell in the body is 7 years, but some cells are replaced constantly, while others stay with us for our entire lives. You get a new suit of skin every month and a new liver every six weeks. And the nervous system coordinates it all. However, sometimes things go wrong within this system. Our Innate Intelligence, working through our nervous system is constantly monitoring, healing, and rebuilding our bodies. This is pretty impressive when you consider how few machines there are that can last 90 years!
There are ways to keep your system working at its best. When our nervous systems become overloaded with trauma, stress, or toxins, our spines subluxate (misalign). This is very similar to blowing a fuse at your house when the electrical system is overloaded with too many appliances. Just as your breaker box needs a reset, our spines often need one too. We call this reset an adjustment. The adjustment restores normal neurological activity so that your body can get back to what it does best: keeping you alive and helping you to adapt to the stressors of life.
So, 270 mph = The Speed of Life!
Call us today at (512) 346-3536 or request an appointment HERE.
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Chiropractic Arts Center of Austin, P.C.
4131 Spicewood Springs Rd L-3
Austin, TX 78759