How Much Water Should You Drink in Austin TX?

How Much Water Should You Drink in Austin TX?

Chiropractic Austin TX How Much Water

When it comes to the dog days of summer, it is HOT! And it’s more important than ever to stay well hydrated in Austin TX. In this heat, dehydration can quickly lead to heat exhaustion and then progress to heatstroke. This is a very dangerous medical emergency that can involve strange behavior, agitation, disorientation, inability to sweat, and seizure. And even when we aren’t out in the heat, we lose water when inside air-conditioned spaces. Our bodies are made up of approximately 60 percent water which is vital for every single physiological function. And when we are even 5 percent dehydrated, our metabolism and mental processing slows significantly. Yes, I said it: Dehydration makes us stupid! So, if you have a mid-afternoon slump, try water instead of caffeine.

So, how do you know if you are hydrated well enough? There are two things to watch for every day. The first one is to observe the color of your urine. It should be the color of pale wheat, not bright yellow. It will be more concentrated the first time you void in the morning, but after that, urine should be pale. If it smells strong or looks too concentrated, you need to drink more water. The second thing to observe is the elasticity of the skin on the back of your hand. Pinch the skin and then let it go. Pay attention to how quickly it “snaps back”. As we age, we are less “snappy”, due to the loss of collagen. So, you need to know how quickly you snap back when you are fully hydrated and aim for that every day.

Best Guide For The Quantity Of Water To Drink In Austin TX

First, follow this baseline formula by dividing your weight in half and drinking that amount in ounces. If you weigh 180 lbs., you need 90 ounces, about 8-9 glasses per day. On days when you sweat, you will need to drink even more. Many people drink all their water at meals and then don’t drink again for hours. Our bodies can only absorb about 1 cup (8 ounces) of water in a 30-minute period. So, if you drink a quart of water all at once, you will absorb only 1 cup, then you will void the rest in a few minutes. Many people technically drink enough water, but in reality, they are experiencing brief periods of adequate hydration, followed by hours of dehydration. Try keeping a quart-sized bottle with you and keep sipping on it throughout the day. That will also help you keep track of how much you have had to drink.

You also need to know that caffeinated drinks, juice, and sodas often cause a diuretic effect, so to compensate, you need to drink twice that amount to replenish the water you flushed. It’s better to just drink the water. Try squeezing some lemon or lime juice to add some flavor.

Have a healthy, happy summer! And drink up! It’s simple, and we can all do better.

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9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm

9:00am - 1:00pm


Saturday & Sunday

Chiropractic Arts Center of Austin, P.C.

4131 Spicewood Springs Rd L-3
Austin, TX 78759

(512) 346-3536