What is Tennis Elbow in Austin TX?

Do you suffer from tennis elbow in Austin TX? The term tennis elbow has developed the misconception that the condition only affects athletes who participate in racquet sports. In reality, tennis elbow affects approximately 5% of individuals who play tennis and is more commonly associated with occupations or hobbies that involve repetitive motion of the forearm and wrist. In fact, tennis elbow is a specific term that describes people who experience chronic and repeated episodes of pain that are isolated primarily to the top of the forearm and outside of the elbow.
Tennis Elbow in Austin TX
As is true with many conditions, certain people in various occupations are more susceptible to developing the symptoms. For example; people who are actively involved in fishing, butchering, long-term computer use, plumbing, repeated screwdriver use, waiting, guitar playing, painting, and carpentry have been all shown to develop this ailment. Tennis elbow can affect anyone but has been found to occur more frequently in people who suddenly begin tasks that involve using muscle groups that they are not accustomed to using. There also seems to be a higher rate of occurrence in people aged 30-50 years old.
The development of tennis elbow can be difficult to identify and pain is often one of the first symptoms. Tennis elbow typically develops slowly and people suffering from the condition often cannot remember any specific injury. As mentioned before, the pain is located on the outer portion of the elbow and is often described as sharp and burning. Besides the development of pain, people suffering from tennis elbow often gradually begin to notice the development of weakness in the hand of the affected arm. Weak grip strength is usually noticed when shaking hands, turning a screw driver, holding a coffee cup, opening doors, or holding gardening tools. People may also notice that they drop objects more frequently as the condition progresses.
Tennis Elbow can be caused by any activity which overuses the forearm and wrist: typing on a keyboard, using the mouse, playing an instrument, fishing, painting, playing sports, plumbing, gardening, housework, and much more. The problem is that once the elbow area is inflamed and painful, even simple activities of daily living can aggravate the condition. Turning a doorknob, lifting a bag, shaking hands, or holding a glass can cause pain and reveal actual weakness.
Tennis Elbow is often associated with subluxations (misalignments) of the cervical spine (neck). This is because the cervical spine is the area that supplies the nerve flow to the muscles and tendons of the elbow.
Tennis Elbow can heal with conservative care consisting of specific adjustments of the cervical spine and elbow; trigger point therapy to the offending muscles, Cold Laser; and sometimes an elbow support or tape to allow the injured areas to heal.
Contact our Austin TX team at Chiropractic Arts Center of Austin, P.C. today.
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Chiropractic Arts Center of Austin, P.C.
4131 Spicewood Springs Rd L-3
Austin, TX 78759