Radiation Safety in Austin TX
Radiation Safety in Austin TX

Austin TX chiropractor shares Summary Of The Current Research On Radiation Safety
People often ask about the safety use of X-rays (Radiographs) to assess spinal distortions in Austin TX. New assessments of the data indicate that X-rays taken today in Chiropractic and medical practices are not only extremely safe, but amazingly enough, actually appear to have beneficial effects (hormesis). The data which was used to support the belief that X-rays caused cancer came from estimating the risks at lower doses of radiation, in the absence of data, by extrapolating in a linear model from large doses of radiation from atomic bombs dropped on Japan in the 1940’s. This model is used for any know carcinogen for any exposure level, which assumes that any exposure, regardless of how small, can induce cancer. Here are three key points summarizing the safety of X-rays.
Radiography has been used in the chiropractic and medical professions for over 100 years. The use of radiography for structural data is an integral component to the practice of chiropractic. Previous guidelines advocating for restricting the use of radiography have been evaluated as unnecessary and inadvisable. The current levels of radiation used in diagnostic imaging do NOT increase death rates from cancer, the chief concern from the use of radiographic diagnostic imaging. In fact, the statistics actually demonstrate that whole body exposure to LLIR (Low Level Ionizing Radiation) reduces cancer mortality rates when compared with control population in both animals and humans.
Radiographic imaging for scoliosis screening, diagnosis, treatment, and management is the gold standard assessment tool. Scoliosis patients may receive many repeat radiographs, over a period of years. Cancer incidence or mortality ratios from long-term studies of scoliosis patients are more likely documenting the pathologic consequences from the scoliosis of the spine than from the negligible effects from low-dose radiation used today.
The current guidelines for diagnostic imaging during Pregnancy and lactation are that with few exceptions, radiation exposure through radiography, computed tomography (CT) scan, or nuclear medicine imaging techniques is at a dose much lower than the exposure associated with fetal harm and should not be withheld from a pregnant patient. There is no harm whatsoever to a lactating mother. Call us today at (512) 346-3536 or request an appointment Here.
Radiation Safety Articles
- "On Phantom Risks Associated With Diagnostic Ionizing Radiation"
- Death Of The ALARA Radiation Protection Principle As Used In The Medical Sector - Paul Oakley, Deed Harrison
- Radiophobia: 7 Reasons Why Radiography Used In Spine And Posture Rehabilitation Should Not Be Feared Or Avoided - Paul Oakley And Deed Harrison
- Repeat Radiography In Monitoring Structural Changes In The Treatment Of Spinal Disorders In Chiropractic And Manual Medicine Practice: Evidence And Safety
- Are Restrictive Medical Radiation Imaging Campaigns Misguided? It Seems So: A Case Example Of The American Chiropractic Association’s Adoption Of “Choosing Wisely” - Paul A. Oakley, Deed E. Harrison, 2020
- Guidelines For Diagnostic Imaging During Pregnancy And Lactation
- X-Ray Shielding FAQ
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
3:00pm - 6:00pm
9:00am - 1:00pm
Saturday & Sunday
Chiropractic Arts Center of Austin, P.C.
4131 Spicewood Springs Rd L-3
Austin, TX 78759